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Thu, 04 Feb


About zoom

"PoterCafé" in February - GoldenMexBeienhaus

Tell stories and see faces again - the storytelling café in lockdown!

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"PoterCafé" in February - GoldenMexBeienhaus
"PoterCafé" in February - GoldenMexBeienhaus

Time & Location

04 Feb 2021, 17:00

About zoom


About the event

Social contacts still have to be severely restricted. We would therefore like to invite you to a cozy little round about Zoom!

We'd love to have a chat and hear from you. The Beienhaus and GoldenMe are therefore jointly organizing a PoterCafé on the topic:

"Total wunnen 50plus - weivill ALL a how much ONE ?"

I don't want to be alone, but living with people also means less freedom- right?

The whole thing should take about an hour - we discuss various topics in small groups and then come back together.

We look forward to familiar and still unknown faces!

Please register here - the zoom link will follow by email :-)

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